Specialists in Botanical/Ecoprint fashion

Pattern Assembly Guide

Thursday, February 24, 2022

What you will need

  • Sticky tape
  • A clean, flat table
  • The patterns, printed

Step 1

Get some pieces of tape cut and ready on the side of the table

Step 2

Fix sheet A1 to the table with a couple of pieces of tape (top and bottom)

Step 3

We want the cross at the top of sheet A2 to be exactly over the cross on sheet A1

Step 4

Put a heavy book on top of sheet A2 to keep it steady while making sure the crosses (top and bottom) are lined up perfectly

Step 5

Now a couple of pieces of sticky tape to hold the paper in place…

Step 6

…then tape along the whole length of the join.

Now, repeat steps 1 - 6 until you have assembled the entire pattern. Your pattern should be ready to cut out now. Cut along the dotted lines.

Below is a picture of A1 and A2 only, assembled and cut out

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